Thursday 19 January 2017


The Fake I LOVE YOU 

Image result for fake i love you

The Heart and the mind are the most powerful organs.. Allah has blessed you with… Never ever give control of them to anyone else besides Allah otherwise you will be hurt and hurt very badly.

A lot of people are struggling and suffering and depressed because they gave their hearts way to someone they met on the net & person is used and abused, can I tell you there are lot of people who suffers. Because there was a “PASSWORD’ made up of 8 characters that was used in order to used them, to get them, to abuse them.

What that’s PASSWORD ?
“ I Love You” 8 Letters… & he is continuous  telling “ I LOVE YOU”. & he is lying. He doesn’t even know what love means, he’s not focus at all if he knew what it meant he wouldn’t be telling it to you.  He would be upright.. so that was the “PASSWORD’ once he clicked password ( typing I LOVE YOU ) enters straight into your heart. “  I LOVE YOU TOO’ wow!!!.. Allah protect us

Then what happened? We are lost, we are gone because a year down the line we are crying we are depressed & you cant even tell : “My father or my mother” nothing, because they don’t have a clue what was going on, they’ll tell you .. you are a fool, Allahu Akbar!

But it’s their fault as well, they did not play a role big enough in your life to know what was going on. This is why save your focus, you will know your children are a NI’MAH you must be focused upon them as well.
That is Allah (SWT) who placed a duty on your shoulders to look after kids, that’s what makes her different, she isn’t focus. So don’t allow this “PASSWORD” that people utter to be a “PASSWORD” straight into your heart because anyone could say that and press enter. & that would be the right passwords” & so now we are caught, we are hooked and what happens? Shaytaans got grip of us.

Like I said and I m repeating this “the heart and the mind are the most powerful organs Allah has given you and blessed you with. Do not allow people to control that, nobody shall control that besides Allah, don’t hand it over someone, No , It belongs to Allah, we will only do with the Heart and the mind that which will please Allah.

Yes, so when you’re married, you have a spouse Alhamdulillah, within the limits you will be able to give a portion of your heart and mind by the will of Allah. Why? Because that’s what pleases Allah but If you give it elsewhere, believe me you are not focused, its gonna come back. & believe me I m a Counselor I know what I m talking about, it comes back to haunt you… because everything that rose, the clubs, and the night clubs, and the glamour, and the night life, and the parties and the people are focused on parties, come Friday night, they are at party, what party? ?Eh we went to party, we had fun and we danced and we had music and everything else, what happened?
You are not focused on the akhira, not at all, did that party help you at all ? NO!!

What , you want me to sit and read Quran? On a Friday night? Allahu Akbar what an answer, No…
May Allah grant us goodness.. how can you leave home in the morning without having read one verse of the Quran? How ?but we do.. What did I say? 1 verse of the Quran, I challenge you..

You want to make change in your life? Before you leave the home every morning please, can we promise 1 verse of the Quran, when we read, 1 verse of the Quran before we leave our homes in the night or morning, Alhamdulillah. Believe me it will change your life, and read it with its meaning, understand what you’ve just read and you’ll see the words of your maker, the one who made you, if you think you’re falling in love with this one because of how nice they look and how hot they are? And how sharp they are? And how wealthy they are? And how beautiful they look? When they walking and talking and so on..

Believe me the one who made them should primarily be the one whom you are in love with completely. That’s what it is but we lose focus… its Allah (SWT) who made us in the first place, that’s what makes it different, Subhanallah

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