Thursday 19 January 2017

Sarah's Love Story- Very emotional and touchy love story

Sarah's Love Story- Very emotional and touchy love story

Now a Lot of People asks the question does romantic love exist in Islam?  What does it look like? & what does it not look like?
So what I want to do actually is I want to begin by telling you a story & it is actually a Story , which is a true story, although the names are changed in this let’s learn something from this story.. this story is about that a lot of us may be able to relate to in one way or the another.

Image result for romantic relationship in islam 

Now the Story begins with...

Sarah is a girl who is full of life, independent, daddy’s princess. She wanted to live beautifully which Allah has gifted him i.e., Life ‘She had a relationship and she got cheated on  ... after that for her life was getting worse day by day.. it was painful for her to live .. All she knew was Allah has made a special person for him. The Man which she always prayed for “his husband”. She tried to move on with life and then she met Ahmed.

When Sarah met Ahmed she immediately knew he was everything that she had always dreamed of, meeting him was like watching the sun rise in the middle of the snowstorm. His warmth melted the cold but soon admiration turned to worship. Before she could understand what had happened; Sarah had become a PRISONER. She became a PRISONER of her own carvings and desire for that which she adored. Everywhere she looks saw nothing but him. His greatest fear in life was displeasing him. He was all she could feel and without him happiness had no meaning.

Leaving him made her feel as though her soul was being peeled from her very being. Her heart was consumed with only his face & nothing felt closer to her than him. He became to her like the blood in her very veins & the pain of his existing without him was unbearable. Because there was no happiness outside of being with him.

But Sarah thought she was in love. Everything basically revolved around him. Her greatest fear in life was displeasing him. & she didn’t know any kind of basically pleasure outside of being with him. Now here is the irony Sarah thought she was in love. Sarah had been through a lot in her life.. she always had displeasing relationship with her family, friends , her plans, her dreams, her wishes were never what she planned; she was having lot of insecurities inside which can’t be express by her in words. 

Only Allah and Sarah knows what all is going through her heart, her mind. But all of the pain combined could not compare to the pain that she would come to know. Inside the new prison of her own making.

She was madly and deeply in love with him. She did everything for the relationship but there was no output from his side for the relationship. She prayed to Allah with all her tears in prayers. She pleases him with good food, with good looks and everything was going well between suddenly the word “Marriage” comes a barrier between their beautiful relationship.

Ahmed also wanted to get married to Sarah but there was no output from his side to marry. Suddenly a big shot picture of Sarah’s mind clashes like thunder storm. & all the beautiful moments they had never matter to them. All is left is only arguments & conflicts
Sarah became a captive inside her own desires. 

It was this captivity that IBN TAYMIYYAH (RA) one of the great classical scholars spoke of. When he said the one who is truly imprisoned is the one who’s heart is imprisoned from god & the captivated one is the one who’s desires have enslaved him.

 The Agony of Sarah’s worship of Ahmed was more intense. Than the Agony of all her previous hardships. It consumed her but never filled her. & like a parched men in the middle of a dessert Sarah was desperately pursuing a Miraj. 

But what was worse was the torturous results of putting something in a place only God Should be. 

only mistake she did was She trust the creation" 

Sarah’s story is so deep because it demonstrates a profound truth of existence.

As human being is created with a particular nature and that nature us called Fitrah. That Fitrah is to recognize the oneness of God and to actualize this truth in our lives. Therefore there is no calamity no loss. 

So yes Romantic Relationships do exist in Islam but that is " husband & Wife " Relationship other than this waste of emotions, time, life...

you should wait for ur turn to come because Allah knows your goodwill better than anyone in this world.

you should trust the creator not the creation.. 

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