Thursday 29 December 2016

Why is Islam superior to other religions?

“Allahümme salli ala seyyidina Muhammedin ve ala alihi ve sahbihi ve sellim”


The religion of Islam contains all of the principles that enable humanity to reach material and spiritual perfection and provides man with happiness and salvation. It leads the individuals and communities that are affiliated with it from abundance to happiness and from happiness to perfection. It gives great importance to the protection of life. It punishes the most severely those who try to spoil the peace in the society. It orders unity, grants and mutual help. It protects the community life from anarchy and terror.

Islam presents high ethics to man so that he will benefit from it. All aspects of it have thousands of benefits and they are remedies for material and spiritual diseases. The religion of Islam is based on knowledge and wisdom; it encourages people to do good deeds and to attain happiness. It regards ignorance as the greatest enemy; it always encourages people to contemplate. In order to understand what a great mercy Islam is for humanity, it is necessary to have a look at the situation of the world before and after the Era of Bliss.

Before Islam, the whole world was suffering from ignorance, aberration, terror and anarchy. The Arabian Peninsula also had its share from the savagery and terror that dominated the world. People were proud of burying their daughters alive. They used to believe in superstitions, worship the idols that they made with their own hands and ask for help from them.

In that dark period, the light of the Quran rose like the sun in a corner of the Arabian Peninsula. It broke into pieces the densest layers of unbelief and oppression. It dazzled the eyes with its lofty manifestation; it purified the spirits, brightened the minds and enlightened the consciences with its blessing and guidance. It removed the polytheism and placed oneness into the hearts. It replaced oppression with justice. It removed hatred and enmity from the hearts and placed love, compassion and mercy.

The influence of the Quran was not limited to the Era of Bliss only. All of the nations that embraced Islam and applied it after that served as models in knowledge, information, trade and industry for other nations. The brightest examples are the civilizations of Andalusia, Seljuk and Ottoman.

It is quite natural that everybody regards their own religion as the true religion. It is quite natural that the others will not believe it. Never in history has everybody agreed on the same religion. The fact that the clash between the right and the wrong has been going on since man started to live in the world proves it. 

Those who do not accept the religion of Islam are divided into two groups:

First group: They do not accept Islam without based on any evidence for or against it. It is called denial without accepting. That is, they are the people who are not interested in whether Islam is right or not, who are interested in their own pleasures, who do not want to rejects Islam based on any evidence or who do not think of exerting any efforts to accept Islam based on any evidence. Most of the people who do not accept Islam are people like that. They do not want to keep away from their pleasure by accepting Islam, which aims to discipline people’s lives by laying burdens and responsibilities on them. This group, which is indifferent to Islam, is a complete victim of ignorance.

Second group: They are the people who are allergic to Islam with prejudice, who do not heed any evidence in favor of Islam and who regard every weak or slight sign as evidence against Islam. They are very few people and they have never been able and never will be able to refute the truths of Islam through real scientific and logical evidence without prejudice. On the contrary, many non-Muslims have embraced Islam throughscientific and logical reasoning throughout history. Even today, thousands of people, among whom are hundreds of scientists and clergymen, who were members of Christianity, which is a religion claiming to be universal, have embraced and continue to embrace Islam.

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