Thursday 29 December 2016

New Year celebrations and Islam

As Salamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah,

Our purpose of creation :

Image result for new year celebration

“I have created not the jinn and men except that they should worship Me (Alone). I seek not any provision from them nor do I ask that they should feed Me. Verily, Allâh is the All-Provider, Owner of Power, Most Strong.” (51:56-58)

Dear readers, our purpose of life should be very clear to us, especially, we been muslims, shud be very much aware of it , in every walk of our life of our living. Do you think we are really aware , why we are here ? Lets’a anyalyse thru one example, infact live example before us – yes its of New Year celebrations, as the title of this article explains.

Any act, any act, of a muslim shud be in accordance to Qur’an and Sunnah. Hope you all agree here that we are to abide to the laws of Allah swt. Here are notes of the sheikh : 

Ibn Katheer (may Allah have mercy on him) said: ‘So whoever hopes for the Meeting with his Lord’ means his reward; ‘let him work righteousness’ means, that which is in accordance with the laws of Allaah; ‘and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord’ this means seeking the Face of Allaah alone, with no partner or associate. These two conditions are the basis of acceptable deeds, which must be sincerely for the sake of Allaah alone and correct according to the sharee’ah of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

Do you think my brothers and sisters in Islam, that waking up late nights and waiting for the clock to click 12 , wishing each other, burning crackers, cutting cakes, dancing, music will be on obviously, being with drunkards, or watching telivision late nights ---- all these are Islamic ? DOES THIS MEET UP THE CONDITIONS SET FOR A RIGHTEOUS DEED ? WHICH OF THE ABOVE DEED IS ISLAMIC ? 

This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islaam as your religion . . ." al-Maa’idah 5:3

Islam is a complete code of life. We don’t even care, if we are pleasing Allah swt, by such deeds. We don’t realize the seriousness about the notings done in our Books of Accounts. Why do we forget that we are accountable for every small and big deed of ours !!

Of all religions, only Islâm guides mankind not only to the importance of time but also how to value it. Abu Hurairah RA narrated that the Prophet sallal lahu alayhi wasallam said, "Allâh said: 'The son of Adam hurts Me by abusing Time, for I am Time; in My Hands are all things and I cause the revolution of night and day.’” (Bukhari 6/351; 9/583 and Muslim 4/5581)

Indeed, we displease Allâh the Most High when we abuse time. We must remember that time must be spent to fulfill our very purpose in life that is to worship Allâh. We are slaves of Allah swt. Act as our Master, commands us. By celebrating new year, are we not displeasing Allah swt, who bestowed so many favours of His in our lives, that we can’t even count ?

We should refrain from wasting our time doing unnecessary things or activities that do not benefit us either in this world or in the Hereafter. Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet sallal lahu alaihi wasallam said, “It is part of the excellence of a person's Islâm that he should discard that which is of no benefit to him either in this world or the Hereafter.” (Tirmidhî }

This one hadith shud be enough for us to evaluate ourselves ! Any of the acts mentioned above fill up the criteria explained to us, above !

Read at a site of Islamonline, that its nothing wrong in celebrating or wishing on New year, as its not connected with any religion . Its just a culture. But why do we forget this saying of our Prophet : "Whoever imitates a people is one of them." 

It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said: “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Whoever imitates a people is one of them.’” (Narrated by Abu Dawood, al-Libaas, 3512. Al-Albaani said in Saheeh Abi Dawood, (it is) hasan saheeh. No. 3401). 

Are we not imitating them ! 

I leave upon you, to decide, if such celebrations are Islamic. I pray Allah swt to guide us and we be aware of every single act of ours.

Shall end with the following final reminder :

Allah explains that guidance and misguidance are in His hand alone; whomsoever He guides none can lead astray, and whomsoever He sends astray, none can guide
“He whom Allah guides, he is the rightly-guided; but he whom He sends astray, for him you will find no Wali (guiding friend) to lead him (to the Right Path).”[al-Israa’ 17:97] 

DUNYA HAMARAY LIYE HAI AUR HUM AAKHIRAT KE LIYE. - This world is made for us and we are made for aakhirah

For a believer, all matters of the duniya are also matters of the Hereafter. He does not keep them separate. He indulges in matters of the duniya in such a way that will benefit him and not bring harm or evil to him in The Hereafter.

Its solely our decision to choose the path – HELL / PARADISE.

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