Thursday 29 December 2016


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Some people say that all people who believe in Paradise, in Hell and in the existence of Allah are Mu’mins and they, who believe so, will be awarded Paradise but it is plainly wrong! Shaytân, in the same way, believes in Allah, in Paradise and Hell, in the other tenets of belief, in angels, in prophets, in the Divine Books, in the Resurrection after death, and in the Day of Judgement; that is, Shaytân knows them, too. However, it does not suffice only to know and to believe in the six fundamental principles in the Âmantu. As well as believing in the six fundamental principles of belief in the Âmantu, it is an additional condition that one must also accept and love all the commandments and prohibitions revealed by Allahu ta’âlâ. One who does not love any of them cannot become a Muslim. Apart from these, there is another issue, namely, hubb-i-fillah and bughd-i-fillah.
That is, one must consider Allah’s friends as friends and Allah’s enemies as enemies. If one stays away from Allah’s friends and loves Allah’s enemies, then one is not a Muslim.

As is seen, even Shaytân believes in Âmantu and knows it in detail. But Shaytân does not accept and love them, and what is more, considers the enemies of Allah as the friends and the friends of Allah as the enemies. A person who knows and believes like Shaytân is not a Muslim.

The most virtuous îmân is
After believing in the six tenets of belief and having hubb-i-fillah and bughd-i-fillah, the most virtuous of all good deeds is to remember Allahu ta’âlâ all the time and to do one’s all acts compatibly with the religion and for the sake of Allah.

It is stated in a hadîth-i sharîf:
(The most virtuous îmân is your knowing that Allahu ta’âlâ is with you no matter where you are.) [Tabarânî]

“Allahümme salli ala seyyidina Muhammedin ve ala alihi ve sahbihi ve sellim”


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