Sunday 17 April 2016

No religion other than Islam is acceptable to Allah : Chapter 4

No religion other than Islam is acceptable to Allah
Abu Huraira, narrates a Hadees that the messenger of Allah (SA) said, “ I swear by him in whose hand is Muhammad’s life that he who is in the knowledge that Allah sent me as his messenger (SA) and yet dies without believing on me, shall be sent to hell, whether he be a Jew or a Christian.”

(By this ummah is meant ‘ummah-e-dawat’ or those people who lived at the time of the prophets advent as well as those born after until the Last Day.)

Muhammad (SA) is the last in the lineage of Allah’s messengers. There will be no messenger of Allah after him, no matter how much he may lay claims on Islam. Anyone who believes in messenger of Allah coming after him is a kafir (denier).
After Allah sent Muhammad (SA), it has become incumbent on every man, woman and jinn to believe in his prophet hood and the religion he taught. He is the messenger of Allah to all human beings and jinn born until the last day. After his advent all the laws of the previous prophets stand abrogated. The path of salvation now is only that one should believe in him & walk in his path. Jew or Christians, Buddhists, or parsi , Hindu or the follower of any other religion, his salvation lies only in his prophet (SA) and conduct of life according to his religion, no matter how great a devotee he might be, a recluse from his world or great his spiritual endeavors. It is stated in Qur’an :
“& we have not sent u (O Muhammad [sa]) except as a giver of glad tidings& Warner to all mankind, but most of men know not.” {surah Saba }

These days people do not think it necessary to acquire any knowledge of religion; most know nothing of this world either, many run after the acquisition of scientific or arts subjects and succeed in getting employed in big places, but are unfamiliar with the demands of religion. They hear about religion from those ignorant of Islam, then begin to criticize them, but devote no time to reflect. The enemies of religion tell them all manner of atheistic things. Some believe that the objective of all religions is but one thought the was May b many and salvation is assured no matter what religion they follow. Some do not believe in religion at all the end & considering religion to be put a jig – saw puzzle of religious minded people, give themselves up to the pleasures of this world; some go over Christianity for the sake of wealth & women. 

The holy messenger of Allah (SA) has proclaimed in unambiguous words that whosoever follows any religion whatsoever, other than Islam, is destined for hell. Those who do not believe in any religion at all are rejecters of Islam & similarly, destined for hell.

This should be taught everywhere without fear & hesitation. There are Hindus, Christians, Buddhists & others who believe Islam to be a true religion but because of family or community considerations or for the sake of mundane benefits, do not fully go over to Islam. They take Islamic ceremonies as the rituals and ceremonies of other religions. Nut Allah, who is a creator of all, has made salvation dependent on acceptance of Islam. He alone who accepts Islam will merit paradise. While he who dies while believing in another religion, or as an atheist or agnostic, i.e., without religion will  be sent to hell forever. The problem does not concern this world alone but is one of everlasting salvation. The Qur’an says :
“& whoever seeks a religion or than Islam it will never b accepted to him, & in the hereafter he will be of the losers!”.

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