Monday 18 April 2016

Belief in Fate and the Last Day : chapter 6

Ali (RA) reports the messenger of Allah (SA) as having said, “ no one can be a believer unless he believes in 4 items of Faith ,i.e., {a} God is one , there being none to be worshipped besides him & that I am his Messenger sent with truth. {b} Death is inevitable, {c} That one is resurrected to life after death, & {d} Fate”.
(mishkaat ul masabih, Tirmizi – Ibn e maja )

Without these four items of faith one cannot be a true believer, momin. The first and basic is to witness the unity of the divine being, tauheed, & he alone is to be worshipped. The words ‘la ilaha ilallah’ comprises all the attributes as given in the Qur’an and the traditions; and alongside the Divine – messenger status of all messenger of Allah (SA), which comprises belief in all that he said and did. One cannot be a Muslim, no matter how much he may claim to be, if he or she witnesses merely with his tongue that Allah is one and Muhammad is his Messenger but believes in some & disbelieves in other words of Qur’an or of the messenger of Allah (SA), or has at least doubt about them, or holds some of them to be wrong or ridicules some, including what he said about the hidden things, such as the grave or the accounting of the last Day, heaven & hell, & such. Some people obtain PhD degrees in Islamiat from Jewish & Christian institutions, but as they do so their teachers insinuate doubts in their hearts and make Islamic beliefs ambiguous for them. In fact, the doctorate courses have been presented only to serve as a medium of molding Muslim youth as doubters of Islam. The motive is to divest their hearts entirely from Islam.
Some ignorant ones say that such and such is not among the basic Islamic beliefs and therefore, if one rejects it, one does not become kafir, unbeliever. The distinction between basic and non basic is of atheistic teaching. There are others, similarly ignorant, who say that this and that is not in Qur’an, therefore, it is not necessary to believe it. This too not of atheistic or agnostic origin. Belief is a duty even if a thought is not expressly stated in the Qur’an but has been explained by the messenger of Allah (SA). If the messenger of Allah detailing the thought is doubted, how can faith in his being a messenger of Allah remain undoubted?
There was a time when unbelievers and heathens entered the fold of Islam in large numbers, but today, in this age of innovations and atheism, Muslim generations are adopting alien beliefs. They doubt the religious principles, yet style themselves as Muslims!. It is incumbent upon parents to educate their children in the details of Islam & protect them against an environment that creates doubt, about Islamic beliefs.

We have just quoted the Ahadees regarding life after death and an account having to be rendered after death. It is necessary for a Muslim to believe in both. The death is inevitable, all believe, but that there is a resurrection and rendering of account is dismissed by the atheist as something beyond their comprehension, as they say, children should be saved from the company of atheists and irreligious people.
In the Gabriel Hadees we noted that belief in fate was also essential. Briefly, this means, that at the time of creation, Allah ordained that such shall be its fate. It is necessary to believe this also.

A number of people doubt predestination, some deny in altogether, but it is there in the Qur’an and Ahadees and to reject our doubt anything in the two is kufr. Whether one understand it or not, whatever is in them must be believed with certainty.
Ibn ul Daylami tells us :
“ I felt some doubts about predestination, so I went to ubaii b. ka’b and told him about it, requesting him to clear the matter for me so that Allah may relieve me of the doubt.”

He said, ‘ Allah is lord and creator and he has full authority over all creation. If he chooses to bring damnation over all that is in the heavens and in the earth, it will not be any cruelty (because he has only exercised his authority); & , similarly, if he sends down benedictions on everything, His mercy will be superior to their deeds even if u offer him a mountain load of gold he will not accept it until u believe that whatever pain or health, gain or loss u get, He is not to be blamed. That is, it was destined to happen and whatever pain or comfort, benefit or loss did come to u , could never have come. If u die believing in anything different, u will go to hell.’
After this I went to Abdullah b. Musud (RA) , and he gave me the same reply. Then I went to Huzaifa (RA) and he too had the same thing to say. Then I went to ziad b  sabit (RA) and he too quoted the same words of the holy prophet (SA).” (Ahmed, Ibn e maja )

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