Sunday 17 April 2016

A book oF fAith :)

Chapter 1.

The hustle and the bustle of this world is not only because of men. Women too play a great part in keeping it inhabited and running. Every man and women looks upon acquiring the things of the life as his or her duty, according to ones understanding, intelligence and courage, houses ,shops, property, children and family ;although these things are mortal and bound to part. Religion and its knowledge are also a muslims personal asset, an that is everlasting & effort for which neva goes waste. Just as men and women make their effort for this world and cooperate with one another for it, similarly it is their responsibility, indeed , more so, to keep religion and religious books alive in their loves.

The Qu’ran in several places. And the traditions very specially address only the women, though more often both men and women. Everyone knows that in Islamic law, fiqah, there  are many commands only for women, and many more for both men and women. It is the responsibility of both to propagate religion and its practice.

Women have given many sacrifices to this end. History has recorded that the first individual to convert to islam was a women, namely, Hazrat khadija (RA), and the first martyr for Islam was also a women, summaiya, Hazrat Omar’s conversion was his sister Fatimah (RA) and it Is also on record that was his sister from makkah started for the preservation of Islam there were women too who went alongwith the men. And these holy women also participated in battles. They also cheerfully sent their husbands and sons to the battlefield. Some even taunted their husbands urging them to march out and fight.

Are the women of today not interested in Islam? have they no relationship with islam? Do they not claim to be among the ummah of the prophet Muhammad (SA) ? if the answer is yes” , then y do they not make a move to educate themselves in islam, and educate others and recognize their responsibilities ?

The ape and emulate Europeans, imitate their fashions, are extremely covetous of jewellery and fine clothes but never think of what they r doing for the hereafter. They lose prayer after prayer and forego fasting and zakat. Is this islam ? Thousands of children every year go without any religious training whatever, nor are they born urged to be valiant in the cause of religion. Some even regret that they were born Muslim; in other religions there would have been no pardah (veil) restrictions, none to advice them to keep away from film acting and so on.

Many a man and women said to b very religious, do not regret their children educated In the qur’an & traditions. They may not say so but their actions prove that in their hearts they regret their own religious education and do not wish to repeat the ‘ mistake’ for their children. Surveying the lives of those reputed to be religious, it will be found that all in all they are merged in europranisation. They are, in effect, remorselessly taking their “mohomedan” children away from Allah and his Illustrious prophet (SA). Yet, ironically enough, they claim to love the prophet (SA). And , at the same time they feel ashamed of educating the young in islam and to walk in the path of prophet (SA).

Islam is a sacred religion. It does not leave man to follow atheists, but to worship Allah, strive for the hereafter. It teaches modesty, distinguishes between the forbidden and the permissible. It lays many obligations and seeks to save a man from a life  of bestiality. The ego worshippers dislike the restrictions. Articles are written for women’s liberation, pardah is opposed, and the most amazing part of it is that those who hold degrees in Islamiyat speak against Islam. During lectures on islam, boys and girls sit together in same class to hear the lecture. In the past centuries, opposition to islam was cos of ignorance; and today the opposition is because of ‘Education’, research” & “new light’. Irreligiousness is gaining ground everywhere and paralyzing the mind. If everyone were to make the effort according to ones capability, religious winds would begin to blow once again. Every govt official shud practice islam and try to make his subordinates to do the same. Newspapers and various periodicals shud write on the subject. They should be purged of un – Islamic matter. Music and songs should be disallowed on the radio, and, instead, forcefully and loudly propogate Islamic values. Everyone get together to reconstruct it.

Our entire society stands in need of improvement but it is very specially necessary to improve the women because the first school of evry child is the mother’s lap. If the mother is the proper muslim, she will also bring her child up in Islam. This book endeavours to make women understand the demands of islam and, in places, together with commenting on present day conditions, shakes up the reader well and proper. It is hoped that it will prove to be a light in the darkness, and the readers will remember this author  in their prayers.

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