Chapter 2.
It is reported by Hazrat Omar (ra) on a day
he and some other companions were sitting in the presence of the messenger of
Allah then suddenly a man came in. His hairs were jet black, there was not a
trace of his having travelled ona journey, and none of us recognized him. ( the
companions were lost in surprise, cos if the visitor was from madinah, he would
have been known to them, and if he had traveled from outside, his clothes would
have been sailed and there would b other traces if a journey on him. At that
moment we could resolve nothing of the mystery . later on it was disclosed by
prophet (SA) ).
But, the visitor going right upto hum sat
down, his knees touching the knees of propher (SA) & placing his hands on
the thigh of the messenger of Allah (SA) began asking him questions which the
prophet (SA) answered.
“ Muhammad (SA) tell me what is Islam “?
The prophet answered : islam is that u
witness that “ la ilaha illalla muhammadur rasulillah “
(theres no god besides Allah and that
Muhammad (SA) js his messenger), that you establish prayers, observe fasting
during ramzan, give zakat, and perform the annual pilgrimage (hajj) if u
possibly can”
Hearing the answer, the visitor remarked, “
sadaqta” ( u r right ).
Hazrat omar (RA) says that he was astonished
that the man himself had asked a question and the answer has furnished, he
commented on its correctness as though he already knew it .
The visior then asked , “ Tell me what is
faith ?”
“ Faith “ , said the messenger of Allah (SA)
is that u believe in Allah, and his angels, in his revealed books, in his
messengers and seers of Allah, in the last day and the fate, whether good or
The visitor again remarked, “ u r right “.
“& what is ehsaan ?” the visitor went on.
“ Ehsan is that u Worship Allah in such a way
that u believe u r seeing him, and if u cannot do that, u should, at least, be
conscious that he is seeing u “.
“ Now tell me when will the last day come ?”
“ That neither I know nor u “, the messenger
of Allah (SA) said.
“ Then tell me what are the signs of the
approach of the last Day.”
“ some of the signs are that women will give
birth to the daughters who will b lord over them; & beggars and poachers
will pride themselves over living in high end mansions.”
After these questions and answeres, the
visitor left. Omar demurred asking the messenger (SA) about him, but the
messenger of Allah (SA) himself
explained : “ Omar do u know who
this visitor was ?”
“ Allah and his messenger knows best who he
was .”
“ He was Gabriel. He come to teach u by
questioning me what ur religion is .”
This hadees is known as the hadees of
Gabriel. It covers all the principles of Islam, the hidden and the practical;
and just as the Surah Fatiha is called the ummul Qur’an, so is the hadees,
called the ummu Hadees ( the mother tradition).
Sometimes cos of the prophet awe the
companions could not ask him questions that vexed their minds and waited for
some Bedouin to turn up and query him. That is why the arch- angel Gabriel was
sent to assume the role of a pupil so that he might convey essentials teachings
by question and answers.
On this occasion Gabriel appeared in
untarnished clothes to convey by his example, first that a pupil should come to
the presence of his teacher or shaikh in clean clothes. Next, that he should
close to him, and then ask whatever question he has in mind.
The questioner, Gabriel, asked first about
Islam and the messenger of Allah (SA) stated its five pillars; namely, to
witness that Allah is One; to establish prayer; to give zakat; to fast during
the month of Ramzan; and be perform the grand pilgrimage, Hajj.
There is a tradition that islam is like a
single building which rest on these five supporting pillars.
Basic Principles Of Islam:
When the questioner asked about the basic
beliefs of Islam, ( iman –e-mufassal) the propher (SA) answered that :
First basic
principles was to believe in Allah as he, the Messenger of Allah (SA) , had
To believe
in the angels, in their existence and that they are the servants of Allah ,
obedient to Him.
To belive in
all the scriptures which he revealed to a number of messengers of allah from
time to time. That whatever is written is the truth, and demanding obedience to
each during the validity of its time; and now, revealing the last of these
scriptures to the last of his messenger of Allah, to be obeyed until the last
To believe
in all the messengers of Allah; that Allah has sent them for the guidance of
mankind: all of them were guides. They were above the rest of Allah created
ones. And to be disrespectful to them is
kufr , denial of Allah’s command. Finally , Muhammad (SA)was sent as the last
in the lineage. He is Allah’s messenger
for all the human beings for all times to comes. To believe ib him and
obey him is necessary. The principles of faith he has taught are binding on us
forever. There can be no messenger of Allah after him. Anyone who believes ib
another prophet denies the Quranic words even though d name of any claimant to
prophecy be similar to the usual muslim names, which is usually the case.
To believe
in truth of the last day, that is, in being resurrected after dealth; in heaven
and hell and in all the connected events as stated in the Quran and traditions.
To believe
in fate. That is, to believe that Allah almighty and glorious has created
everything according to his own estimate of forms and change, being and non being.
Whatever good or bad he has determined shall befell.
To believe in these sic basics without
permitting doubt to becloud the heart is the true faith. All that one believes
in or does falls within their purview.
To belive in
all the scriptures which he revealed to a number of messengers of allah from
time to time. That whatever is written is the truth, and demanding obedience to
each during the validity of its time; and now, revealing the last of these
scriptures to the last of his messenger of Allah, to be obeyed until the last
To believe
in truth of the last day, that is, in being resurrected after dealth; in heaven
and hell and in all the connected events as stated in the Quran and traditions.
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