Monday, 18 April 2016

Belief in Fate and the Last Day : chapter 6

Ali (RA) reports the messenger of Allah (SA) as having said, “ no one can be a believer unless he believes in 4 items of Faith ,i.e., {a} God is one , there being none to be worshipped besides him & that I am his Messenger sent with truth. {b} Death is inevitable, {c} That one is resurrected to life after death, & {d} Fate”.
(mishkaat ul masabih, Tirmizi – Ibn e maja )

Without these four items of faith one cannot be a true believer, momin. The first and basic is to witness the unity of the divine being, tauheed, & he alone is to be worshipped. The words ‘la ilaha ilallah’ comprises all the attributes as given in the Qur’an and the traditions; and alongside the Divine – messenger status of all messenger of Allah (SA), which comprises belief in all that he said and did. One cannot be a Muslim, no matter how much he may claim to be, if he or she witnesses merely with his tongue that Allah is one and Muhammad is his Messenger but believes in some & disbelieves in other words of Qur’an or of the messenger of Allah (SA), or has at least doubt about them, or holds some of them to be wrong or ridicules some, including what he said about the hidden things, such as the grave or the accounting of the last Day, heaven & hell, & such. Some people obtain PhD degrees in Islamiat from Jewish & Christian institutions, but as they do so their teachers insinuate doubts in their hearts and make Islamic beliefs ambiguous for them. In fact, the doctorate courses have been presented only to serve as a medium of molding Muslim youth as doubters of Islam. The motive is to divest their hearts entirely from Islam.
Some ignorant ones say that such and such is not among the basic Islamic beliefs and therefore, if one rejects it, one does not become kafir, unbeliever. The distinction between basic and non basic is of atheistic teaching. There are others, similarly ignorant, who say that this and that is not in Qur’an, therefore, it is not necessary to believe it. This too not of atheistic or agnostic origin. Belief is a duty even if a thought is not expressly stated in the Qur’an but has been explained by the messenger of Allah (SA). If the messenger of Allah detailing the thought is doubted, how can faith in his being a messenger of Allah remain undoubted?
There was a time when unbelievers and heathens entered the fold of Islam in large numbers, but today, in this age of innovations and atheism, Muslim generations are adopting alien beliefs. They doubt the religious principles, yet style themselves as Muslims!. It is incumbent upon parents to educate their children in the details of Islam & protect them against an environment that creates doubt, about Islamic beliefs.

We have just quoted the Ahadees regarding life after death and an account having to be rendered after death. It is necessary for a Muslim to believe in both. The death is inevitable, all believe, but that there is a resurrection and rendering of account is dismissed by the atheist as something beyond their comprehension, as they say, children should be saved from the company of atheists and irreligious people.
In the Gabriel Hadees we noted that belief in fate was also essential. Briefly, this means, that at the time of creation, Allah ordained that such shall be its fate. It is necessary to believe this also.

A number of people doubt predestination, some deny in altogether, but it is there in the Qur’an and Ahadees and to reject our doubt anything in the two is kufr. Whether one understand it or not, whatever is in them must be believed with certainty.
Ibn ul Daylami tells us :
“ I felt some doubts about predestination, so I went to ubaii b. ka’b and told him about it, requesting him to clear the matter for me so that Allah may relieve me of the doubt.”

He said, ‘ Allah is lord and creator and he has full authority over all creation. If he chooses to bring damnation over all that is in the heavens and in the earth, it will not be any cruelty (because he has only exercised his authority); & , similarly, if he sends down benedictions on everything, His mercy will be superior to their deeds even if u offer him a mountain load of gold he will not accept it until u believe that whatever pain or health, gain or loss u get, He is not to be blamed. That is, it was destined to happen and whatever pain or comfort, benefit or loss did come to u , could never have come. If u die believing in anything different, u will go to hell.’
After this I went to Abdullah b. Musud (RA) , and he gave me the same reply. Then I went to Huzaifa (RA) and he too had the same thing to say. Then I went to ziad b  sabit (RA) and he too quoted the same words of the holy prophet (SA).” (Ahmed, Ibn e maja )

Sunday, 17 April 2016

The Relish Of Faith & its Important Demands: Chapter 5

The Relish Of Faith & its Important Demands:

“ It is recorded in the tradition from Abbas.b.Abdul Mutalib (RA) that the prophet (SA) has said “ He has truly relished his faith who is happy with his belief that Allah is his Lord, that Islam is his Way of life, deen , and Muhammad is Allah’s messenger for him,”
From Anas (RA) : “ He who possesses three qualities shall have tasted the sweetness of his faith : that Allah & his messenger he loves, he loves only for Allah’s sake; and going back to unbelief is as unpleasant to him as the thought of being thrown into fire.”

These 2 Ahadees emphasis some of the most salient features of a true believer : that a muslim should believe to the very depths of his heart - - - the truth of belief being such belief as flows in his veins. He should not think he is a Muslim merely because he is born of Muslim parentage or lives amongst Muslims, but because he looks upon Islam as a great blessing, accepts Islam from the core of his heart, and is happy and content with Allah as his lord God and with his messenger, & thinks of this as a great treasure in itself. He who does so will never look upon any worldly pleasure as sweeter.

The foremost demand of faith is that one should love none more than Allah & Allah’s Messenger - - - neither parents nor offspring, nor office nor officer nor ruler ship nor empire nor wealth - & should channelize all his relationship towards Allah. That is, if he loves anyone, it is because  one is related to Allah,  is dutiful in prayers, devotes his time to remembering and speaking of Allah and serving religion. 
This is the basis of love. Similarly, if he dislikes anyone, it is because one is not concerned with Allah and the Messenger of Allah (RA).
His faith should be so firm that his belief in the punishment of unbelief should be as if the fire of hell were before his eyes and an unbeliever was being thrown into it. Rather that transcending the thought of reward and punishment, he should feel that one who adopts unbelief is like being thrown into a fire, because rejection of him, his prophets and his books, who has given existence and endowed life, is as great a folly as willfully jumping into a fire. Punishment for unbelief is hell but for an educated person, who is familiar with Allah’s creative power and that he is lord and owner, to adopt unbelief is no less than hell itself. This distinction requires careful thinking

No religion other than Islam is acceptable to Allah : Chapter 4

No religion other than Islam is acceptable to Allah
Abu Huraira, narrates a Hadees that the messenger of Allah (SA) said, “ I swear by him in whose hand is Muhammad’s life that he who is in the knowledge that Allah sent me as his messenger (SA) and yet dies without believing on me, shall be sent to hell, whether he be a Jew or a Christian.”

(By this ummah is meant ‘ummah-e-dawat’ or those people who lived at the time of the prophets advent as well as those born after until the Last Day.)

Muhammad (SA) is the last in the lineage of Allah’s messengers. There will be no messenger of Allah after him, no matter how much he may lay claims on Islam. Anyone who believes in messenger of Allah coming after him is a kafir (denier).
After Allah sent Muhammad (SA), it has become incumbent on every man, woman and jinn to believe in his prophet hood and the religion he taught. He is the messenger of Allah to all human beings and jinn born until the last day. After his advent all the laws of the previous prophets stand abrogated. The path of salvation now is only that one should believe in him & walk in his path. Jew or Christians, Buddhists, or parsi , Hindu or the follower of any other religion, his salvation lies only in his prophet (SA) and conduct of life according to his religion, no matter how great a devotee he might be, a recluse from his world or great his spiritual endeavors. It is stated in Qur’an :
“& we have not sent u (O Muhammad [sa]) except as a giver of glad tidings& Warner to all mankind, but most of men know not.” {surah Saba }

These days people do not think it necessary to acquire any knowledge of religion; most know nothing of this world either, many run after the acquisition of scientific or arts subjects and succeed in getting employed in big places, but are unfamiliar with the demands of religion. They hear about religion from those ignorant of Islam, then begin to criticize them, but devote no time to reflect. The enemies of religion tell them all manner of atheistic things. Some believe that the objective of all religions is but one thought the was May b many and salvation is assured no matter what religion they follow. Some do not believe in religion at all the end & considering religion to be put a jig – saw puzzle of religious minded people, give themselves up to the pleasures of this world; some go over Christianity for the sake of wealth & women. 

The holy messenger of Allah (SA) has proclaimed in unambiguous words that whosoever follows any religion whatsoever, other than Islam, is destined for hell. Those who do not believe in any religion at all are rejecters of Islam & similarly, destined for hell.

This should be taught everywhere without fear & hesitation. There are Hindus, Christians, Buddhists & others who believe Islam to be a true religion but because of family or community considerations or for the sake of mundane benefits, do not fully go over to Islam. They take Islamic ceremonies as the rituals and ceremonies of other religions. Nut Allah, who is a creator of all, has made salvation dependent on acceptance of Islam. He alone who accepts Islam will merit paradise. While he who dies while believing in another religion, or as an atheist or agnostic, i.e., without religion will  be sent to hell forever. The problem does not concern this world alone but is one of everlasting salvation. The Qur’an says :
“& whoever seeks a religion or than Islam it will never b accepted to him, & in the hereafter he will be of the losers!”.

What is Ehsaan - Chapter 3

What is Ehsan ?
When the questioner asked “ what is ehsan “ , and the messenger of Allah (SA) answered that ehsan was to worship Allah believing that the worshipper was actallu seeing the worshipped one. One was seeing him. This is the minimum requirement. In this way the worship will be correct.
All the accomplishment of tasawwuf and tariqat is contained in these words; that equality of ehsan be achieved. Those who desire to acquire this quality of ehsan should seek the company of those who have already acquired it.

Some signs of the Last Day
When the questioner asked about the signs of the approach of the last day, the messenger of Allah (SA) mentioned only two of the countless signs; that women should give birth to the daughters who would order them about and treat them like servants, (as we are seeing today with our own eyes ). The word ‘ daughters’ is used here only as in example, but sons are also implied. Similarly, the word ‘ women’. Meaning mothers, has been used, but implying that since the mother is most to be obeyed and honored, if one could lord over her, one could not be expected to behave with due courtesy towards others.

Boasting over mansions
The other sign of the coming of the last day, predicted by the messenger of Allah (SA) , is that those who have neither shoes nor clothing will wear and make a living by lifting cattle and such will become owner of large mansions and boast and pride over their wealth. This can be interpreted in 2 ways : a) there will be a revolutions so that the most poverty stricken will become rich but will not have the ssense to put their riches to better use other than to boast about them.
The second meaning can be that these paupers, depriving themselves of sufficient food and necessities, will somehow accumulate enough, to construct tall mansions and boast about them among themselves.

Deaf, Dumb and naked kings :
The former interpretation is to be preferred and is borned out by a tradition from Abu Huraira (RA).
“ when u c that  the bare- footed , poorly dresses, deaf and dumb become kings….”
The traditions tells us that paupers will be so impoverished, also of the intelligence, that they will neither be able to speak the truth nor hear the truth, but if they somehow make enough to build mansions for themselves they will do no more than pride and boast about them.
Abu Huraira‘s Tradition closes with the words :
“The knowledge of the last day is hidden in these five things and is only with Allah , none besides.”
After the Gabriel tradition which informs us of the basic principles of Islam, we shall state the Islamic beliefs in some detail as they should be taught to the children.

A book Of Faith

Chapter 2.


It is reported by Hazrat Omar (ra) on a day he and some other companions were sitting in the presence of the messenger of Allah then suddenly a man came in. His hairs were jet black, there was not a trace of his having travelled ona journey, and none of us recognized him. ( the companions were lost in surprise, cos if the visitor was from madinah, he would have been known to them, and if he had traveled from outside, his clothes would have been sailed and there would b other traces if a journey on him. At that moment we could resolve nothing of the mystery . later on it was disclosed by prophet (SA) ).
But, the visitor going right upto hum sat down, his knees touching the knees of propher (SA) & placing his hands on the thigh of the messenger of Allah (SA) began asking him questions which the prophet (SA) answered.
“ Muhammad (SA) tell me what is Islam “?
The prophet answered : islam is that u witness that “ la ilaha illalla muhammadur rasulillah “
(theres no god besides Allah and that Muhammad (SA) js his messenger), that you establish prayers, observe fasting during ramzan, give zakat, and perform the annual pilgrimage (hajj) if u possibly can”
Hearing the answer, the visitor remarked, “ sadaqta” ( u r right ).
Hazrat omar (RA) says that he was astonished that the man himself had asked a question and the answer has furnished, he commented on its correctness as though he already knew it .
The visior then asked , “ Tell me what is faith ?”
“ Faith “ , said the messenger of Allah (SA) is that u believe in Allah, and his angels, in his revealed books, in his messengers and seers of Allah, in the last day and the fate, whether good or bad.”
The visitor again remarked, “ u r right “.
“& what is ehsaan ?” the visitor went on.
“ Ehsan is that u Worship Allah in such a way that u believe u r seeing him, and if u cannot do that, u should, at least, be conscious that he is seeing u “.
“ Now tell me when will the last day come ?”
“ That neither I know nor u “, the messenger of Allah (SA) said.
“ Then tell me what are the signs of the approach of the last Day.”
“ some of the signs are that women will give birth to the daughters who will b lord over them; & beggars and poachers will pride themselves over living in high end mansions.”
After these questions and answeres, the visitor left. Omar demurred asking the messenger (SA) about him, but the messenger of Allah (SA)  himself explained :      “ Omar do u know who this visitor was ?”
“ Allah and his messenger knows best who he was .”
“ He was Gabriel. He come to teach u by questioning me what ur religion is .”

Explanation :

This hadees is known as the hadees of Gabriel. It covers all the principles of Islam, the hidden and the practical; and just as the Surah Fatiha is called the ummul Qur’an, so is the hadees, called the ummu Hadees ( the mother tradition).
Sometimes cos of the prophet awe the companions could not ask him questions that vexed their minds and waited for some Bedouin to turn up and query him. That is why the arch- angel Gabriel was sent to assume the role of a pupil so that he might convey essentials teachings by question and answers.
On this occasion Gabriel appeared in untarnished clothes to convey by his example, first that a pupil should come to the presence of his teacher or shaikh in clean clothes. Next, that he should close to him, and then ask whatever question he has in mind.
The questioner, Gabriel, asked first about Islam and the messenger of Allah (SA) stated its five pillars; namely, to witness that Allah is One; to establish prayer; to give zakat; to fast during the month of Ramzan; and be perform the grand pilgrimage, Hajj.
There is a tradition that islam is like a single building which rest on these five supporting pillars.

Basic Principles Of Islam:

When the questioner asked about the basic beliefs of Islam, ( iman –e-mufassal) the propher (SA) answered that :
1.       First basic principles was to believe in Allah as he, the Messenger of Allah (SA) , had taught.
2.       To believe in the angels, in their existence and that they are the servants of Allah , obedient to Him.
3.       To belive in all the scriptures which he revealed to a number of messengers of allah from time to time. That whatever is written is the truth, and demanding obedience to each during the validity of its time; and now, revealing the last of these scriptures to the last of his messenger of Allah, to be obeyed until the last Day.
4.       To believe in all the messengers of Allah; that Allah has sent them for the guidance of mankind: all of them were guides. They were above the rest of Allah created ones. And  to be disrespectful to them is kufr , denial of Allah’s command. Finally , Muhammad (SA)was sent as the last in the lineage. He is Allah’s messenger  for all the human beings for all times to comes. To believe ib him and obey him is necessary. The principles of faith he has taught are binding on us forever. There can be no messenger of Allah after him. Anyone who believes ib another prophet denies the Quranic words even though d name of any claimant to prophecy be similar to the usual muslim names, which is usually the case.
5.       To believe in truth of the last day, that is, in being resurrected after dealth; in heaven and hell and in all the connected events as stated in the Quran and traditions.
6.       To believe in fate. That is, to believe that Allah almighty and glorious has created everything according to his own estimate of forms and change, being and non being. Whatever good or bad he has determined shall befell.
To believe in these sic basics without permitting doubt to becloud the heart is the true faith. All that one believes in or does falls within their purview.

A book oF fAith :)

Chapter 1.

The hustle and the bustle of this world is not only because of men. Women too play a great part in keeping it inhabited and running. Every man and women looks upon acquiring the things of the life as his or her duty, according to ones understanding, intelligence and courage, houses ,shops, property, children and family ;although these things are mortal and bound to part. Religion and its knowledge are also a muslims personal asset, an that is everlasting & effort for which neva goes waste. Just as men and women make their effort for this world and cooperate with one another for it, similarly it is their responsibility, indeed , more so, to keep religion and religious books alive in their loves.

The Qu’ran in several places. And the traditions very specially address only the women, though more often both men and women. Everyone knows that in Islamic law, fiqah, there  are many commands only for women, and many more for both men and women. It is the responsibility of both to propagate religion and its practice.

Women have given many sacrifices to this end. History has recorded that the first individual to convert to islam was a women, namely, Hazrat khadija (RA), and the first martyr for Islam was also a women, summaiya, Hazrat Omar’s conversion was his sister Fatimah (RA) and it Is also on record that was his sister from makkah started for the preservation of Islam there were women too who went alongwith the men. And these holy women also participated in battles. They also cheerfully sent their husbands and sons to the battlefield. Some even taunted their husbands urging them to march out and fight.

Are the women of today not interested in Islam? have they no relationship with islam? Do they not claim to be among the ummah of the prophet Muhammad (SA) ? if the answer is yes” , then y do they not make a move to educate themselves in islam, and educate others and recognize their responsibilities ?

The ape and emulate Europeans, imitate their fashions, are extremely covetous of jewellery and fine clothes but never think of what they r doing for the hereafter. They lose prayer after prayer and forego fasting and zakat. Is this islam ? Thousands of children every year go without any religious training whatever, nor are they born urged to be valiant in the cause of religion. Some even regret that they were born Muslim; in other religions there would have been no pardah (veil) restrictions, none to advice them to keep away from film acting and so on.

Many a man and women said to b very religious, do not regret their children educated In the qur’an & traditions. They may not say so but their actions prove that in their hearts they regret their own religious education and do not wish to repeat the ‘ mistake’ for their children. Surveying the lives of those reputed to be religious, it will be found that all in all they are merged in europranisation. They are, in effect, remorselessly taking their “mohomedan” children away from Allah and his Illustrious prophet (SA). Yet, ironically enough, they claim to love the prophet (SA). And , at the same time they feel ashamed of educating the young in islam and to walk in the path of prophet (SA).

Islam is a sacred religion. It does not leave man to follow atheists, but to worship Allah, strive for the hereafter. It teaches modesty, distinguishes between the forbidden and the permissible. It lays many obligations and seeks to save a man from a life  of bestiality. The ego worshippers dislike the restrictions. Articles are written for women’s liberation, pardah is opposed, and the most amazing part of it is that those who hold degrees in Islamiyat speak against Islam. During lectures on islam, boys and girls sit together in same class to hear the lecture. In the past centuries, opposition to islam was cos of ignorance; and today the opposition is because of ‘Education’, research” & “new light’. Irreligiousness is gaining ground everywhere and paralyzing the mind. If everyone were to make the effort according to ones capability, religious winds would begin to blow once again. Every govt official shud practice islam and try to make his subordinates to do the same. Newspapers and various periodicals shud write on the subject. They should be purged of un – Islamic matter. Music and songs should be disallowed on the radio, and, instead, forcefully and loudly propogate Islamic values. Everyone get together to reconstruct it.

Our entire society stands in need of improvement but it is very specially necessary to improve the women because the first school of evry child is the mother’s lap. If the mother is the proper muslim, she will also bring her child up in Islam. This book endeavours to make women understand the demands of islam and, in places, together with commenting on present day conditions, shakes up the reader well and proper. It is hoped that it will prove to be a light in the darkness, and the readers will remember this author  in their prayers.

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