Thursday 16 February 2017

One Duaa Can Change Everything

Don’t Just Tick Things Off!

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I understand that we don’t live forever, and that after a certain age, pregnancy and even getting a good rate on a mortgage can be difficult. We procrastinate over some decisions in life, or avoid taking leaps of faith because of uncertainty and fear. However, we also tend to rush into things because of fear. A lot of the time, we’ve adopted this fear from another fearful mind. 

In Eastern cultures, I know how much grief women can get after a certain age, from worried parents who tell their daughters that they’re getting old and need to get married ASAP. As a result, these girls are encouraged to rush into a relationship that they want to last forever.
There’s a mentality in some societies which promotes the idea that you’re not successful in life until you’ve met certain milestones. Until then, it doesn’t matter if you’re like Mother Teresa, you’ll be seen as someone who’s lacking in life and needs to do better.
I see this sort of upbringing reflected in young adults. They believe that they need to have certain things by certain ages. They have a checklist, and like robots, they just tick things off. There’s no free-thinking in this because they are conditioned to believe and live these realities out of fear. The pressure promotes rash decisions at times. They then commit themselves to people, things, and responsibilities, which they aren’t truly satisfied with, or that they struggle with. These choices we make affect the rest of our lives and limit us from doing the things we actually want to do.
In saying this, the guidance can be invaluable too. Some people need to be made aware of how their lack of action can also affect their future. Every business owner I speak to always tells me how they wish they started earlier. However, living with regrets can only make us miserable, and sometimes we have to trust the Universe’s timing. Certain growth needs to take place so that the next stage of your life can be prosperous.
Stay true to yourself and go through life with a positive mindset. You will make mistakes, but they are yours to make and learn from. It’s your life and no-one else’s. You will know deep down when the time is right.

only remember one thing very well that Allah loves you 

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