Thursday 16 February 2017

Don’t Lose Your Self-Respect by trying to get someone’s Attention!

Don’t Lose Your Self-Respect by trying to get someone’s Attention!

Imagine a world with no one in it other than you. How would your life differ? Quite drastically I’d assume. Without other people, our motives change completely. We live for other people. As much as some of us don’t want to admit that, it’s true! Others will say, "Of course, I live for my loved ones." However, most of us live for people who mean absolutely nothing to us, too. After all, it’s a societal norm to desire social status and appreciation.

Image result for Don’t Lose Your Self-Respect by trying to get someone’s Attention!

Unfortunately, some of us feel like we need to suck up to certain people to get in their good books. Some of us feel like we need to accomplish certain things to impress those that we don’t even like. Some of us are willing to act in dishonest ways to make more money. Some of us are giving our all to someone who keeps throwing it back in our face. Some of us are literally puppets programmed to feel good or define ourselves, through others. This is a harsh truth to accept.
You must realize that nearly everyone is always judging others based on their individual perception. You are not going to impress everyone, and even if you do, they can change their opinion within seconds. If you let this control your happiness or success, you will never be able to keep it. Further to this, if you live for others, when will you ever live for yourself?
Some people will fail to see your worth. So, stop fighting for their attention. When some people see a rainbow form outside, they will look at it immediately and appreciate its beauty. The rainbow doesn’t fight for our attention; we give it freely because we want to, even when others don't.
I see women degrading themselves for men that don’t respect them. I see men demeaning themselves too, by using money as a magnet for attention. Both try to attract people that they don't even respect - which is an insult to themselves. They do this for temporary feelings of pleasure; an Ego boost. However, they are worth so much more. There are people in this world that will see you for all that you are; appreciating your greatness. These people will rarely make you fight for their attention; especially not by disrespecting yourself.

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