Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Seeking our rights under a non-Islamic system

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Question: Is it permitted for us to seek our rights under a non-Islamic system, for example are we allowed to go through the courts under a Kufr system? If so, what are the conditions for this.

Seeking your provisions (rizq)

At any Muslim family gathering, a favourite topic (amongst the men at least) is how best to go about accumulating more wealth. When in attendance at such gatherings, I have often been advised, which stocks and shares to invest in or which riba (interest) based mortgages to enter into. Ironically, those advising me to commit flagrant transgressions against Allah (swt) in an attempt to become more wealthy, were Muslims!

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Islam teaches us that a man should go and earn his living, and this is a noble act in the eyes of Allah (swt). Most of us have several responsibilities, be they to our parents, our children, or both. There are always bills to pay.

The meaning of 'Ibadah (worship)

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All praise is due to Allah, and peace be upon our master Muhammed, the seal of the prophets and messengers and the best of all creation, and peace be upon his family and companions, and upon those who followed their guidance and followed their path. 

The Shariah rules relating to mixing between the sexes

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In Islam, the basic principle of the interaction between men and women is segregation. This means that in all areas of life and in all places whether private or public, contact between men and women is generally prohibited. Many evidences establish the principle of not mixing between the sexes, and there are many ahadith which clarify that this is the case in both public and private areas:

Understanding the Method of the Islamic Ideology

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An ideology can generally be defined as a set of related concepts and beliefs that constitutes the basis of the political, economic, social system. Upon further scrutiny of the fundamentals and essence of any ideology and application, one arrives at the understanding that an ideology invariably includes a method or technique by which its ideas can be realised. Hence, we understand that an ideology consists of two main elements: Idea and Method.

“Creditors have better memories than Debtors”

The proverb in the title has an unfortunate reality. Many Muslims are finding themselves increasingly in debt. Creditors have to persistently remind the debtor of the loan they have ‘forgotten’ to pay. It is extremely rare, that you find the debtor reminding the creditor of his own debt. Often the relationship between the creditor and the debtor turns sour because Islamic principles are not the basis for their financial dealings and disputes. 

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This article discusses the Shariah rules pertaining to loans and debts. Indeed, Islam is very strict upon the Creditor’s motive and the Debtor repaying back what he has borrowed.

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Understanding the Amr

Since Qur'an was revealed in the Arabic language, deriving rules from the legislative sources requires comprehension of Arabic. Allah (swt) revealed:
Verily, we have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an in order that you may understand. [Yusuf 12, 2]

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Evidences about the Return of the Khilafah

The following article by a brother includes a group of authenticated Ahadith and their chains of narration regarding the return of the Khilafah, Insha’Allah. In giving glad tidings of the re-establishment of the Islamic Khilafah, tranquillity and ease was brought to the hearts of the believers, driving the Muslims, especially those who are working to re-establish the Islamic State, to work more seriously and with greater sincerity.

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Insha’Allah, may Allah (swt) honour them with the return of the Khilafah through their efforts so that they may achieve the great reward in both worlds: a mighty victory in this world and a noble residence in the Akhirah (the afterlife).

History of Usul ul-Fiqh (Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence)

Muhammad bin Idris Al-Shafi'i (d. 204AH) is reputed to be the one who delineated the principles of deduction (usul al-istinbat) and regulated it with general comprehensive principles. 

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Thus, he was the originator of the science of usul al-fiqh (principles of jurisprudence), even though many people came after him who were more knowledgeable about usul al-fiqh and its definitions. 

Did Khilafah only exist for 30 years?

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Question: The need for Khilafah has become well established and many Muslims now call for it. However, some people claim that the Khilafah only lasted for 30 years and that thereafter the Khilafah ceased to exist. Does this understanding have any Islamic basis? And is it a valid justification for not establishing Khilafah today just because it only lasted 30 years?

The Sources of Shariah

The only evidences to be considered as sources for the Ahkam Shar'iah are: Qur'an, Sunnah, Ijma' as Sahabah and Qiyas.

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The Daleel (evidence or proof) which establishes something as a SOURCE of Ahkam Shar'iah must be qata'i (decisive) and not thanni (non-definitive) because this daleel deals with 'Usul-ul Fiqh and not with its branches. Since the source of legislation must emanate from the Wahi (revelation), the issue of what constitutes a source of Ahkam Shar'iah is part of the 'Aqeedah. Therefore, the Daleel that proves that a source of Ahkam is brought by Wahi must be qata'i because issues related to the 'Aqeedah are based only upon definite proofs.

Transcript: Enjoining the Ma’ruf & Forbidding Munkar

The following is a transcript of a circle delivered upon this subject. Please note that it is in the form a transcript, therefore some of it is included as brief bullet points. 

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All Permitted (Mubah) Actions Require a Daleel (evidence)

The text of both the Qur'an and Sunnah address many topics such as, stories of previous Ummahs, the Day of Judgment, and others. However, the text which specifically addresses our actions of what to do or what not to do is referred to as Hukm Sharii.

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