Saturday 24 September 2016

The Principal Characteristics and Rules of Islamic Manners

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Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Image result for The Principal Characteristics and Rules of Islamic Manners

The principal characteristics and rules of Islamic manners for various aspects of life can be summarized as follows:

1. In almost everything, deliberation (and not haste) is required. A Muslim should consider how a matter might turn out; then, if the outcome appears worthwhile and good, he should carry on, otherwise he should refrain.

2. Kindness and gentleness in a Muslim's dealings with others are essential.

3. Cleanliness and purity of body, place, clothes, etc., should be one of the most conspicuous characteristics of Muslim life.

4. Beauty, elegance, orderliness are values for the Muslim to observe, and whenever possible to attain.

5. According to Islam, a good deed done with courtesy beautifies that deed; impudence, on the other hand, destroys the good in it.

6. All a Muslim's deeds should express an attitude of humility and not arrogance.

7. A Muslim is commanded to avoid any act that might harm himself or some other person, physically, mentally or morally.

8. In the daily life of a Muslim, silence is preferred to unnecessary speaking.

9. A Muslim should treat others as he would wish them to treat him. Like for others what he would like for himself. Good manners without consideration for others are an impossibility.

10. A Muslim should never order or ask anyone to do something that he would not do himself.

11. Favouring the right side or hand in things such as giving, taking, shaking hands, eating, drinking, walking, etc., and using the left hand for such things as cleaning oneself in the toilet, is recommended.

12. Eating, drinking and clothing oneself, etc., well, are allowed as long as the motive is not pride or arrogance. Life characterized by extravagance is abhorred.

13. Though extravagance is abhorred, this does not imply that a Muslim should not have money or not enjoy life. The effects of God's blessings upon him should be visible to others.

14. Being generous and not mean or avaricious is a virtue.

15. Gratitude to God should characterize a Muslim's life, whether He blesses or burdens him, and gratitude with patience and fortitude.

16. A Muslim must be always faithful.

17. In all aspects of life a Muslim must exercise moderation and be natural; unnaturalness and exaggeration are disapproved.

18. A Muslim should be self-sufficient and should seek the help of other Muslims only when it is urgent and necessary.

19. Copying or imitating other cultures and religions in any way is forbidden.

20. Obedience and carrying out another's orders or wishes may not contradict the teachings of Islam; if it does, the teachings of Islam must be given priority.

21. Maintaining sexual identity is most important. Imitation of men by women, or of women by men, in dress, manner of walking, etc. is forbidden.

22. One of the most pervasive characteristics of Islamic manners is discipline, leading to balance and harmony in the life of the individual and the community.

23. Flexibility and tolerance are also characteristics of aadaab al-Islaam. Broadly speaking, any particular conduct is tolerated or accepted if it is civilized (i.e. considerate of others) and respectable (i.e. inoffensive to the individual and community) and provided it does not fall into the categories of the abhorred or forbidden.

Kindly make duas for me that i perfect my character by practicing these charactersistics and manners in Islam

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