Saturday 24 September 2016

Allah loves these qualities

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Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Image result for Allah loves these qualities

All praise is for Allah; we praise Him, seek His aid and forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from the evil of our souls and from the wickedness of our actions. Whosoever Allaah guides, then none can misguide him and whosoever Allah misguides, then none can guide him.

We often hear that reciting some prayers or verses of the Quran bring us closer to God or brings some special blessings.

In the Quran, God has expressed love and support only for those people who develop certain human qualities and not for those who only perform rituals. [1-7]

Ihsan [goodness]

The root word of Ihsan is "Hasana" which means to do right, to improve, to be in a desirable condition or in a proper state, to decorate or embellish, to treat with kindliness.

In the Quran it is used for forgiveness, generosity, struggle for goodness and against evil and humbleness.

Taqwa [moral consciousness]

The root word of Taqwa is "waqy" which means to guard oneself against the negative influences of one's own deeds. It is the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, between justice and injustice.

Sabr [patience]

The Arabic word for ‘patience’ is ‘sabr’. The primary significance of the word ‘sabr’ is ‘(self)-restraint’ but it also signifies forbearance, composure, equanimity, steadfastness, perseverance, and endurance

Qist [justice and fair-mindedness]

The Quran has used several different words in the context of justice; Meezan (balance), Qist and Adl (justice and equity).

The word Meezan is derived from ‘wazana’ and it means balance, equilibrium or to distribute equally. It is also used in the meaning of equity, justice and fairness.

The word Qist means justice, fairness, equity, fair-mindedness, rightness or correctness.

The word Adl means to act justly, equitably, not to discriminate, be equivalent, to make straight, to be in a state of equilibrium, impartiality, justice and straight-forwardness.

Tahara [cleanliness]

The word "Tahura" or "Taharah" in Arabic have the following meanings: to be clean, pure, and purify. The words "Tuhr" means: cleanliness and purity like the word "Taharah".

One of the aims of teachings of the Quran is to purify the believers physically, psychologically and morally. 

Tawakul [trust in God]

The root of "Tawakul" is "wakala" which means to trust, rely and depend. Trust is God is natural outcome of one's faith. As disussed above, the trust in God acts as the stabilizing factor in human personality.

Tauba [repentence]

The root word of tauba is "taub" which means to repent, to be penitent, to turn from sin, to convert from and to renounce. Repentance means changing the bad action into good ones, or leaving the sins immediately and affirming that the individual will not commit it again in the future.

Characteristics or Qualities which God does not love 

Kufr [ungratefulness]
Fasad [corruption as well as any of our act that causes disturbances to the society]
Takabbur [arrogance]
Zulm [to do wrong, to oppress, to ill-treat, darkness]
Kheyana [disloyalty, breach of faith, deception, fooling]
Israf [waste] {Extravagance - in every thing we do }

May Allah swt guide all of us to practice it. Ameen

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