Tuesday 30 May 2017

Various Ahadith about the Rulers

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Abdullaah Ibn ‘Abbaas said that Allaah’s Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “There shall be rulers whom you will recognize from them good and evil. Whoever opposes them is saved. Whoever abandons them is freed. And whoever intermingles with them is destroyed.” (Collected by Ibn Abi Shaybah and at-Tabaraanee; al-Albaanee authenticated it in “Saheeh al-Jaami’”, hadeeth #3661).

Abul-A’war as-Sulamee said that Allaah’s Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “Be wary of the ruler’s gates; for there, there is difficulty and humiliation.” (Collected by ad-Daylamee and at-Tabaraanee; al-Albaanee authenticated it in “as-Silsilah as-Saheehah”, hadeeth #1253).

Aboo Hurayrah said that Allaah’s Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “Whoever approaches the ruler’s gates becomes afflicted. Whenever a slave draws closer to the ruler, he only gains distance from Allaah.” (Collected by Ahmad; al-Albaanee authenticated it in “Saheeh at-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb”, hadeeth #2241. A similar narration, save the last sentence, is reported from Ibn ‘Abbaas; al-Albaanee authenticated it in “Saheeh at-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb”, hadeeth #2242).

Jaabir Ibn ‘Abdillaah said that Allaah’s Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said to Ka’b Ibn ‘Ujrah, “O Ka’b Ibn ‘Ujrah, I seek Allaah’s protection for you from the leadership of fools. There shall be rulers, whoever enters upon them, then aids them in their oppression and validates their lies, then he is not from me nor I from him, and he shall not be admitted to the Hawd. Whoever does not enter upon them, and does not aid them in their oppression, nor validates their lies, then he is from me and I from him, and he shall be admitted to the Hawd.” (Collected by Ahmad, al-Bazzaar, and Ibn Hibbaan; al-Albaanee authenticated it in “Saheeh at-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb”, hadeeth #2243. Similar narrations are reported from an-Nu’man Ibn Basheer, ‘Abdillaah Ibn Khabbaab (from his father), Abi Sa’eed al-Khudree, and Ka’b Ibn ‘Ujrah; Al-Albaanee authenticated these other narrations in “Saheeh at-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb”, ahaadeeth #2243-2246).

Abu Hurairah (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said:
"قبل الساعة سنون خدّاعة يكذب فيها الصّادق و يصدّق فيها الكذوب، و يخون فيها الأمين، و يؤتمن فيها الخائن و ينطق فيها الرّويبضة""Indeed, before the Hour (Day of Judgement) there are deceptive years -the truthful one will not be believed, the liar will be believed, the trustworthy one will be accused of betrayal, the treacherous one will be trusted, and the Ruwaibidah will speak."It was said, "And what is the Ruwaibidah?" He (saw) said: "الرجل التّافه يتكلّم في أمر العامّة" "The man who is Tafih (insignificant, unwise, etc.), he will speak on the affairs of the general public (he will be trusted to rule and he will speak in the name of the people)." (Ahmad (2/291) Ibn Maajah (4042), and Al-Haakim (4/465).In As-Saheeh (1787), Albaani declared that it is an authentic Hadith.)

“Allah would grasp the whole planet of the earth and roll it up on the Day of Resurrection and all the heavens will be in His Right Hand. Then He will say: I am the King. Where are the monarchs of the earth?” (Bukhari and Muslim)

Ibn Majah on the authority of Abu Saeed, Ahmad and Ibn Majjah and Tabarani and Baihaqi on the authority of Abu Umamah, Ahmad and Nisa'i on the authority of the tabie Tariq Ibn Shihab all narrated that the messenger (saw) said : "The best of Jihad is a word of truth in the face of a tyrant ruler".

Ma'qil bin Yasar, may Allah be pleased with him, reported: Verily I have heard Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Anyone amongst the slaves (of Allah) who was entrusted with the affairs of his subjects and he died in such a state that he was dishonest in his dealings with those over whom he ruled, Paradise would be forbidden for him. [Bukhari complied it the book of Legal Judgements no 6617,6618]

AbdulRazzaq and Imam Ahmad both narrated on the authority of Ibn Masood (ra) that the messenger (saw) said to him: "What will you do O Abu AbdulRahman (Ibn Massood) if you had rulers who abolished the sunnah and delayed the prayer from its time?". Ibn Masoood said: What do you order me o messenger of Allah?. The messenger said: "Ibn Umm Abd (Ibn Masood) is asking me what will he do!!!There is no obedience to the creature by disobeying the creator".

Al-Harth narrated on the authority of Ibn Masood that the messenger (saw) said: "For every matter, there is a thing that spoils it, and what spoils this deen is the evil rulers". (Saheeh according to Imam Suyooti)

On the authority of Abu Musa(ra), the messenger of Allah (saw) said: "In the hellfire there is a valley, and in this valley there is a well called "Habahab", it is duty upon Allah to reside in this well every stubborn oppressor (ruler)". (Narated by Tabarani and its Isnad is Hasan)

"Any leader of a ten men or more, he will be brought in the judgment day chained until either the justice will unchain him or the oppression will chain him". (Narrated by Al-Bazzar, and the men in the chain are Saheeh)

As for narrations from the words of the Companions, then as-Suyootee has collected from ‘Ali Ibn Abi Taalib, Ibn Mas’ood, Hudhayfah Ibn al-Yamaan, and Abi Dharr, narrations of general warning against approaching the rulers or their gates. See “Maa Rawaahul-Asaateen Fee ‘Adam al-Majee’ Ilas-Salaateen”.

There are many with similar meanings, so here are some examples:

Ibn Mas’ood said, “Whoever wishes to honour his religion, then he should not enter upon the ruler.” (Collected by ad-Daarimee).

Ibn Mas’ood also said, “A man enters upon the ruler, carrying his religion with him, then exits without anything with him.” (Collected by al-Bukhari in his “Taareekh” and Ibn Sa’d in “at-Tabaqaat”).

On the authority of Abdullah Bin Masood (may Allah be pleased with him), he said: "There will be rulers over you, who will leave the sunnah like this," and hepointed to the origin of his finger. "If you were to leave these rulersalone, they will bring great affliction and disaster. There has been no previous ummah except that the first thing they left from their religion was the sunnah, and the last to be left was the salat , and were not these rulers shy and afraid from people, they would not pray". (Narrated by Al-Hakim and he said this is saheeh hadith on the condition of Bukhari and Muslim).

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