Tuesday 9 August 2016

Three who spoke in cradle

Three who spoke in cradle

As Salamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah – may Allaah be pleased with him – who said that the Prophet {Pbuh} said:

"None spoke in the cradle except three:

1. ‘Eesa the son of Maryam,

2. Jurayj’s companion; Jurayj was a man of worship, he had a place of worship and while he was in it, his mother came in and called upon him. He said to himself; ‘My Lord, my mother or my prayer?’ So he continued praying and she left. The next day she also came and called upon him while he was in prayer, he said to himself; ‘My Lord, my mother or my prayer?’ So he continued praying and again she left. The following day she came again and called upon him while he was in prayer, he said to himself; ‘My Lord, my mother or my prayer?’ So he continued praying.

She said: ‘O Allaah, do not allow him to die until he sees the faces of prostitutes.’

The Children of Israel knew of Jurayj and his worship. There was a very beautiful prostitute who offered to seduce him. She attempted to do so but he did not pay her any attention to her. She then approached a herdsman who used to seek refuge in his place of worship, she offered herself to him and he slept with her. She became pregnant, and when she gave birth she claimed that it was the child of Jurayj. They went to him, invoked curses over him, destroyed his place of worship and attacked him.

He said: ‘Why are you doing this?’

They responded: ‘You fornicated with this woman and she bore you a child.’

He said: ‘Where is the child?’

So they brought him the child.

He said: ‘Leave me until I pray.’

When he finished praying he came to the boy and poked him in his stomach. He said: ‘O child, who is your father?’

The baby boy responded: ‘So and so the herdsman.’

So the people turned to Jurayj, kissing him and asking him for forgiveness. They offered to rebuild his place of worship in gold, but he refused and asked them to rebuild it from mud just as it was before, and so they did.
3. There was also a baby who was being breast fed by his mother when a rider in fine garments passed by on an agile animal.

His mother said: ‘O Allaah, make my child like him.’

The baby stopped suckling and looked at him, he said: ‘O Allaah, do not make me like him.’

He then continued suckling…"

Abu Hurayrah – May Allaah be pleased with him – said: ‘It is as if I can see Messenger of Allaah –{Pbuh} right now, as he is illustrating the scene of the baby’s suckling with his forefinger in his mouth.’

He continued: "They passed by a slave girl who was being beaten by people who were accusing her of committing fornication and theft.’

She was saying: `Sufficient is Allaah is for me, and the best of Guardians He is’

The mother said: `O Allaah, do not make my child like her.’

Again the baby stopped suckling, looked at her and said: ‘O Allaah! Make me like her.’ At this point they spoke to each other, the mother said: `A good looking man passed by and I asked Allaah to make my child like him, you asked Allaah not make you like him. We passed by this slave girl while she was being beaten and being accused of fornication and theft, I asked Allaah not to make my child like her, and you asked Allaah to make you like her.’

The child said: `That man was a tyrant, so I asked Allaah not to make me like him. They were accusing the girl of fornication, while she did not commit it, and they were accusing her of theft, while she did not steal, so I asked Allaah to make me like her" 

[Collected by both al Bukhaaree and Muslim.]

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