Friday 5 July 2019

Allah Speaks to the Sad Person

 A small expression from the Quran that is an 
Insight to Depression and Sadness
Allah (azzawajal ) says (Quran 3:1)

Image result for quran 3:139


Don't Feel weak, Don't be weakened
"Awahen " in Arabic is actually aa feeling of not being able to exercise change, in other words
no matter what you do things aren't changing , things aren't getting better, or your best attempts have failled and now you feel incapable of succeeding, when that starts settling in, like oh my efforts have failed, or i haven't been able to accomplish.

Sunday 30 June 2019

The Fiqh of Zakaat ul Fitr

This is an extract from the book "Al Jaami'u li Ahkaam is Siyaam" (A complete guide to the rules of fasting) by Sheikh Abu Iyaas Mahmood bin Abdul-Lateef bin Mahmood ('Uwaydhah). Please note this is a draft translation from Arabic. For exact meanings please refer to the original Arabic book.

Image result for zakat


Saturday 22 June 2019

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Thursday 30 May 2019

Sa’id ibn Aamir al-Jumahi (RA) : Stories Of Companions

Preface: This is only a summary of the life of Sa’id ibn Aamir al-Jumahi (RA) and does not cover all the points of his life story. It is not intended to be a biography, but rather a glimpse of the main incidents of his life so that we can get an idea of his character. For ease of reading, we have not inserted “May Allah be pleased with him (RA)” each time his name or the name of each Companion is mentioned, but please take it that the salutations apply to all of them, may Allah be pleased with them all.

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Jaafar ibn Abi Talib (RA) : Stories Of Companions

Preface: This is only a summary of the life of Jaafar ibn Abi Talib (RA) and does not cover all thepoints of his life story. It is not intended to be a biography, but rather a glimpse of the main incidents of his life so that we can get an idea of his character. For ease of reading, we have not inserted “May Allah be pleased with him (RA)” each time his name or the name of each Companion is mentioned, but please take it that the salutations apply to all of them, may Allah be pleased with them all.

Sunday 26 May 2019

stories of companions - Loving The Prophet

Beautiful story of July’beeb
Julay’beeb رضي الله عنهم
It is narrated in the Books of History that Julay’beeb رضي الله عنهم was a Sahabee (companion) who was:
• short in height
• deformed in appearance
• his lineage was not known
• no one knew who his parents were
• with no clan to protect him
• no tribe willing to accept him as their own
• he cut a lonely figure even the small children of Madinah would tease & mock him
• owing to his disabilities no one would allow him to sit in their company.

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An examination of the issue of An-Nasr (victory)

The following is the translation of an Arabic article.

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An-Nasr (victory) in its literal linguistic meaning is the assistance or help provided against another and according to the Shar’a meaning it means the assistance or help of Allah ‘Azza Wa Jalla provided to his believing slaves against other than them from the disbelievers or against those who aggress against them or oppress them from amongst the Muslims. It is from the concepts of the Islamic Aqeedah. Indeed, it is from the most important of these concepts because of the great impact it has upon the one who believes in it. That is because the one who believes in the Nasr (victory) of Allah ‘Azza Wa Jalla, makes him undertake acts which are difficult for him to surmount had it not been for his Imaan (belief) in the concept of victory.

An examination of the issue of “Al-‘Izzah” (might and honour)

The following is the translation of an Arabic article.

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Al-‘Izzah is a manifestation from the manifestations of survival or remaining in respect to the human. There is no human upon the face of the earth except that he seeks to attain it. That is because he has been created upon that as his Fitrah. It is known that what drives the human towards his conducts in this life is only his instincts and organic needs and in the case where Al-‘Izzah is from the manifestations of Al-Buqaa’ (survival or remaining), then the original position in respect to the human is that he is driven to realise it like his being driven to fulfil the rest of his instincts. Therefore, the seeking of ‘Izzah is Fitriy (natural) and there is no question about that.

An examination of the miraculous quality or inimitability of the Qur’aan

The following is the translation of an Arabic article.

The miraculous matter is that matter which breaks or exceeds the norm or what is usual in any time and place. The new invention breaks the norm however it is caught up with by something similar to it or better than it and as such is not considered to be miraculous. Therefore, for the matter to be miraculous or inimitable, it is necessary that the people be incapable of reproducing the like of it in every time and place. This is a matter which is not realised in anything present or existing within all that exists, except in the Qur’aan which Allah Ta’Aalaa revealed upon our Sayyid Muhammad .

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The spread of Islam by the sword

 The following is the translation of an Arabic article.

The least that can be said regarding the statement that Islam was spread at the point of the sword is that it is a statement that holds no credibility, which the enemies of Islam have attempted to pass off to non-thinking Muslims. That is in the case where they claim that the objective of the fighting is to make the people enter Islam by way of force, even though the falseness of this view is as clear as the sun. That is because the Islam (i.e. entry into it) which Islam has demanded, is the Islam which the person embraces by way of complete conviction and wilful consent.

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